Sunday 11 February 2018

What is this blog about?

Being a teenager is the most confusing, complex and the toughest time of one's life. One has to go through so much. There are biological changes in your body, overall physical changes and a profound change in your mentality, the list goes on. These changes also incorporate with themselves many inconspicuous problems, which, if not solved may ruin one's life.
This blog is all 'bout that. Here you can find any and every information regarding the problems faced by a person throughout his teen life and their solution. The do's and not to do's for a teenager and his/her parents. This blog will give you tips and tricks to tackle each and every problem that you might be facing as a teen or you child might be facing, if you re a parent. 

It is quite simple, I myself am in my late teens and have gone through many, not all of the experiences that anyone could have. Since every child's mentality is quite the same in his/her teens the things faced and experienced by others of the same age-group are associable. I decided to start this blog after seeing that every parent who has a teenager has just one question "HOW DO I HANDLE HIM/HER?" and let me be very honest with you, many parents try to do what they feel I right for their child and they can, since it is being done for their well being, which may include scolding the child, shouting on him/her, and sometimes even hitting them. Almost every-time this is because the parents think that 'even a piece of iron has to face the blacksmith's hammer to be forged and molded into prefect shape, what we are doing works the same way'. This analogy is not absolutely correct. At this stage, a kid (from a parent's perspective) is like a molten piece of glass that has to molded with extreme care and tenderness. Their conscience and mind are so fragile and delicate that even a single harsh blow can shatter it.

The modern day kid has not been conditioned to believe that what action the parents undertake is for their benefit and neither are they told to respect their parents whatever be the case. Instead they believe that they are grown up and QUALIFIED enough to take their own decisions.
This blog will tell you how to go about all the above mentioned problems along with many more. I will do my utmost to provide whatever help I can. You can ask me questions, put up your problems and look forward to getting a solution soon. Why? Because I am a moderator who is playing both sides. 

What is this blog about?

PROBLEMS OF A TEENAGER Being a teenager is the most confusing, complex and the toughest time of one's life. One has to go through s...